Tuesday, 6 September 2011

www.jntuk.edu JNTU Kakinada MBA II Sem R07 R09 regular/supply results 2011

www.jntukakinada.edu, www.jntuk.edu, JNTUK MBA second sem results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA 2sem results 2011, JNTU MBA regular/supply second sem r09 results 2011, JNTU Kakinada 2sem R08 results 2011, JNTUK IIsem R09 regular results 2011, MBA Regular second sem results 2011 JNTU Kakinada, JNTUK MBA II Sem results 2011
Kakinada - 533 003.

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country

JNTU Kakinada MBA (R09,R07) II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination Results July - 2011
Note : 
Last Date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation: 20-09-2011
'-1' in hmfm field indicates absent for that external exam
'-1' in imf field indicates no internals 

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