Tuesday, 6 September 2011

www.jntuk.edu JNTU Kakinada MCA II Sem R07 R09 regular/supply results 2011

www.jntukakinada.edu, www.jntuk.edu, JNTUK MCA second sem results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MCA 2sem results 2011, JNTU MCA regular/supply second sem r09 results 2011, JNTU Kakinada 2sem R08 results 2011, JNTUK IIsem R09 regular results 2011, MCA Regular second sem results 2011 JNTU Kakinada, JNTUK MCA II Sem results 2011

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country.

Kakinada - 533 003.

JNTU Kakinada MCA (R09,R06,NR) II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination Results July - 2011

Note : 
Last Date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation: 20-09-2011
'-1' in hmfm field indicates absent for that external exam
'-1' in imf field indicates no internals 

Click here for JNTUK MCA II Sem results 2011
Click here for JNTUK MBA II Sem results 2011
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www.jntuk.edu JNTU Kakinada MBA II Sem R07 R09 regular/supply results 2011

www.jntukakinada.edu, www.jntuk.edu, JNTUK MBA second sem results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA 2sem results 2011, JNTU MBA regular/supply second sem r09 results 2011, JNTU Kakinada 2sem R08 results 2011, JNTUK IIsem R09 regular results 2011, MBA Regular second sem results 2011 JNTU Kakinada, JNTUK MBA II Sem results 2011
Kakinada - 533 003.

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country

JNTU Kakinada MBA (R09,R07) II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination Results July - 2011
Note : 
Last Date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation: 20-09-2011
'-1' in hmfm field indicates absent for that external exam
'-1' in imf field indicates no internals 

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Thursday, 18 August 2011

JNTU kakinada Btech R10 First year 2nd sem regular exam results 2011 at www.jntuk.edu.in

www.jntuk.edu.in, www.jntukakinada.edu.in, JNTU Kakinada Btech R10 1st year 2nd sem regular results 2011, JNTUK I yr II sem btech r10 regular results 2011, JNTU kakinada btech r10 first year second sem regular exam results 2011, kakinada JNTU engineering first year 2nd sem regular exam results 2011, JNTUK first year btech r10 regular second sem exam results 2011, JNTUK Btech 2nd sem first year r10 regular results 2011

JNTU-KAKINADA I B.TECH (R10) II Semester Regular Examinations Results June-2011.

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country
Click on any of the below links to check your Results :

Click here for JNTU kakinada Btech R10 2nd sem regular exam results 2011

Note : 
Last Date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation: 03-09-2011
'-1' in hmfm field indicates absent for that external exam
'-1' in imf field indicates no internals
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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

JNTU world Bpharmacy First year supplementary results 2011 : jntu Anantapur Bpharmacy first year results 2011

www.jntu.ac.in, www.jntuworld.com, JNTU ananthapur Bpharmacy first year R09 R07 R09 Supply exam results 2011, JNTU world b.pharm 1st year results 2011, JNTU bpharmacy 1st year supplementary results 2011, JNTU world anantapur 1st year regular results 2011, jntu atp regular first year results 2011, JNTU results 2011 bpharmacy first year

Click here for JNTU ATP Bpharmacy First year results 2011
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JNTU world Btech First year results 2011 : jntu Anantapur engineering first year results 2011

www.jntu.ac.in, www.jntuworld.com, JNTU Hyderabad first year R09 R07 R09 regular exam results 2011, JNTU world btech 1st year results 2011, JNTU btech 1st year regular results 2011, JNTU world hyderabad 1st year regular results 2011, jntu HYD regular first year results 2011, JNTU results 2011 btech first year
JNTU-ANANTAPUR : 1st Year B.Tech (R09,R07,R05,RR)/B.Pharmacy (R09,R07,NR,OR) Supple Exams Results-May/June-2011.

JNTU-ANANTAPUR : 1st Year B.Tech (R09,R07,R05,RR)/B.Pharmacy (R09,R07,NR,OR) Supplementary Examinations Results-May/June-2011.
Click on the below links to check your Results :


Enter hall Ticket Number and press Submit button.
If returned values are “NULL”. please resubmit the Hall Ticket Number.
3.Any discrepancies found, approach Controller of Examinations through the Principal of the college.
4.This is prototype of the marks memo and is obtained by the online request of the candidate.
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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

FET Faculty Eligibility Test 2011 : Hyderabad JNTU FET 2011 : www.jntu.ac.in

www.jntu.ac.in, JNTUH FET 2011 notification, JNTU Hyderabad FET Faculty Eligibility Test 2011 notification, JNTU Hyd FET 2011, FET 2011 Notification JNTUH, FET Notification JNTUH 2011, FET 2011 Faculty Eligibility Test JNTU Hyderabad, JNTUH FET 2011, Faculty Eligibility Test (FET – JNTUH) – 2011 Notification & Information Brochure

About FET – 2011

JNT University Hyderabad is conducting Faculty Eligibility Test for Affiliated Colleges of JNT University Hyderabad for joining into services of all affiliated colleges of JNTU Hyderabad at the entry level appointment i.e. Lecturer /Asst Professor in the faculty of Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, Sciences, Humanities and Social sciences.


To identify qualified, meritorious and motivated candidates for appointing as teachers in all professional colleges, including Engineering, Pharmacy, MBA, MCA colleges, affiliated to JNT University Hyderabad

Who should take this Examination?

Candidates who wish to join any of the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad in 10 districts of Telangana region as Lecturer/assistant professor shall take this examination. The faculty members who are working as lecturers/Asst. professors but not ratified by the University at the present working institution shall also take this examination. For more information check eligibility criteria.

Branches/Disciplines and Eligibility Criteria.

Who should take this Examination?
Candidates who wish to join any of the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad in 10 districts of Telangana region as Lecturer/assistant professor shall take this examination. The faculty members who are working as lecturers/Asst. professors but not ratified by the University at the present working institution shall also take this examination.

Advantage of taking this Examination:-

The Candidates who qualify in this examination will be eligible to appear for the interviews of faculty selections at all the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad and the candidates who qualify in this examination and selected at the college selection only are considered as University approved faculty. The appointment of the candidates selected without qualifying in FET-JNTUH are not approved by the University.


Candidates i) who are already selected through University selection Board and presently working, or ii) who are presently working/seeking appointments in the cader of Associate professor or Professor. iii) who qualified through National level Test NET or iv) Obtained PhD are exempted from taking this examination.

Eligibility Criteria

S.No.Branch/DisciplineBranch CodeEligibility
1Civil Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Civil Engineering,Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
2Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Control Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
3Mechanical Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Mectronics, Mechanical Engg.(Production) with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Electronics and Communications

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electronics and Telematics Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Computer Science and Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology or Computer Science and Systems Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Metallurgical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engineering or Metallurgy and Material Technology with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Chemical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./M.Tech.
Aeronautical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Aeronautical Engineering, Aeronautics, Avionics with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Bio-Medical Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Bio Technology

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Biotechnology with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Mathematics or equivalent.

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Physics or equivalent

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Chemistry or equivalent

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in English or equivalent
Management Science

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Business Administration or equivalent.
Environmental Science

M.Tech or M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering/Sciences or its equivalent with First Class

Bachelors and Masters Degree in Pharmacy with First Class or equivalent either in Bachelor or Masters Degree.
Computer Applications

B.E. / B.Tech. and M.E. / M.Tech. in relevant subject with First class or equivalent either in B.E. / B.Tech. or M.E / M.Tech. OR B.E/B.Tech. and MCA with First class or equivalent either in B.E. / B.Tech. or MCA OR MCA with First Class or equivalent with 2 years relevant experience.

Mode of Examination

Examination Pattern: FET-JNTUH-2011 will be conducted in 18 subject disciplines as listed in Eligibility Criteria Page. The question paper will have 120 objective type multiple choice questions which include Part-I (40 questions in general ability, aptitude and analytical skills) and Part-II (80 questions in subject specialization). Each correct answer carries one mark and a wrong answer carry negative 1/4 mark. The test will be for 2hrs duration. qualifying marks for the Test is 40% and 30% for SC/ST candidates.
OMR Answer Sheets will be supplied along with the Question Booklet Candidates have to mark the correct answer by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question on an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet with Black/blue ball point pen.
Last Date for Submission of Application:20-08-2011
Last Date for Submission of Application with Late fee of Rs 1000/-:25-08-2011
Date of Examination:4th September 2011
Examination Time:11:00 AM to 1.00 PM
Test Centers:Centers will be ONLY IN HYDERABAD

(Hall Tickets will be available for Download from 29th August 2011)

Important instructions to Candidates:Candidates should choose appropriate subject for test. Though a candidate is eligible for more than one subject he/she shall select only one subject of their choice.
The Question Papers will be in English only.Before applying for FET-JNTUH–2011 candidates must assure themselves that they have chosen the right Subject paper,which qualifies them to become eligible to seek appointment into the specific department they are interested. The candidates are required to choose the Subject based on their eligibility as per Table-1. Applications are available online on the website: www.jntuh.ac.in

Procedure for applying online for FET JNTU-2011.

For Online submission of Application for FET-JNTUH – 2011, follow the guidelines given below..
  1. Before applying online make sure You have following documents, that will help you while applying
    1. A demand draft of Rs 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST) drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of “The Registrar JNTU Hyderabad”, payable at Hyderabad as registration fee.
    2. Attested copies your certificates like Degree and SSC (for age proof).
    3. Attested copy of Caste certificate in case of SC/ST candidates
    4. Your scanned / digital passport photograph and scanned signature.
      photo image should be of JPEG Format. Photo image height should be between 370 to 420pixel and width should be between 300 to 350pixel and photo image file size should be less than 200kb
      Sample PhotographSample Photograph Sign
  2. Go down to this page and Click “Apply on line” and fill all the fields which are mandatory
  3. While applying online, do not use the “Back” button on the tool bar of your browser. Use the links and buttons available on the page to move from one page to another.
  4. Once you submit the filled-in ONLINE FORM, the FET – JNTUH website will generate a unique Registration number for you. Note down this number without fail and refer this for all your future correspondance. Write your Name and this Registration number on the back side of the Demand draft.
  5. Now down load your filled in ONLI NE FORM (a pdf file) take the print out and enclose following documents and speed post/registered post to “The Convener, FET-2011, Director, Academic Planning, 4th Floor, Administrative Building, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500085″.
    1. Demand draft worth Rs 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST)
    2. Attested copy of Degree certificate
    3. Attested copy SSC equivalent certificate for age proof
    4. Caste certificate in case of SC/ST candidates
Note: Please make sure that your browser should support javascript

Click Here To Apply Online

(Recommended to use Mozilla Firefox)

Website : Faculty Eligibility Test (FET – JNTUH) – 2011.

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Monday, 1 August 2011

JNTU world Bpharmacy I year regular/supply results 2011 : jntu hyderabad bpharmacy 1st yr results 2011

www.jntu.ac.in, www.jntuworld.com, JNTU Hyderabad bpharmacy first year R09 R07 R09 regular exam results 2011, JNTU world bpharmacy 1st year results 2011, JNTU bpharmacy I year regular results 2011, JNTU world hyderabad 1st year regular bpharmacy results 2011, jntu HYD regular first year bpharmacy results 2011, JNTU results 2011 bpharmacy first year

JNTU-HYDERABAD : B.Pharmacy I Year (R09,R07,NR & OR) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Results May-2011.

JNTU-HYDERABAD : B.Pharmacy I Year (R09,R07,NR & OR) Regular/Supple Exams Results May-2011.

Click on the below links to check your Results :
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JNTU Kakinada MBA 4th semester R09 R07 regular supply results 2011 at www.jntuk.edu

JNTUK MBA 4th semester regular results 2011, JNTU Kakinada R09 R07 MBA fourth sem supply regular results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA IV semester r09 r07 exam results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA Fourth semester R09 R07 regular supplementary exam results 2011, JNTUK MBA fourth semester regular supply results 2011, JNTUK MBA IV sem regular supply results 2011

JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.

JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.
JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.

Last for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge Valuation 16-08-2011.
‘-1′ in Externals field indicates absent for that external exam.
‘-1′ in internals field indicates no internals.

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Saturday, 30 July 2011

JNTU world anantapur Btech r09 First year results 2011 : jntu ananthapur engineering first year r09 results 2011

www.jntuanantapur.ac.in, www.jntuworld.com, JNTU Anantapur first year R09 R07 R08 regular exam results 2011, JNTUA world btech 1st year results 2011, JNTU btech 1st year regular results 2011 anantapur, JNTU world Anantapur 1st year regular results 2011, jntua regular first year results 2011, JNTU results 2011 btech first year

JNTU Ananthapur Btech First year results are not available right now. We will update results as soon as results are announced by jntu ananthapur. So Visitors Be patients and keep visiting for all JNTU latest Updates. Thank You. Please click on Google +1 button below.

Click here for JNTU Ananthapur Btech Results 2011
Click here for JNTU Ananthapur Official site
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Thursday, 28 July 2011

AP JNTU Enginering EAMCET college list with codes and address 2011 www.jntu.ac.in

JNTU Engineering colleges list AP, Andhra Pradesh Btech colleges list with college codes, AP JNTU Colleges list of Engineering, AP Engineering Btech colleges list, JNTU colleges list and EAMCET codes AP, JNTU AP college list and codes, AP EAMCET college list with codes JNTU, JNTU AP Engineering colleges list address codes

NAME & Address of CollegeCODE
A1 Global Institute of Engineering & Technology, H.No.1/94, Court Centre, Markapur, Prakasam Dist.GLIM
Abdul Kalam Iinst. of Tech. & Science, Vepalagadda, Kothagudem, Khammam-507120AKIT
ABR College of Engg. & Tech., China Irlapadu (V), Kanigiri (M), Prakasam Dist.-523 254ABRK
ACE Engineering College, Sy.No.175&181, Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist.,-501301.ACEG
Acharya Nagarjuna University College of Engg & Tech., Guntur (Self Finance Courses)ANCUSF
Adam’s Engineering College, Paloncha, Khammam – 507115ADAM
Adarsh College of Engg. Chebrolu (V), Golaprolu (M), Kakinada, E.G.Dist.-533449.ACEE
Aditya College of Engineering, Valasapalli (Post), Madanapalle, Chittoor Dist -517325ACEM
Aditya Engineering College, Aditya Nagar, ADB Rao, Surampalem, Peddapuram, E.G.Dist. – 533437.ADTP
Aditya Inst. of Tech. and Mngt., K.Kotturu, Chakapalli, Tekkali, Srikakulam Dist., – 532201.ADIT
Adusumalli Vijaya Coll. of Engg. & Res. Centre, Mysireddypalle, Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda – 508 126.AVCR
Adusumalli Vijaya Inst. of Tech. & Res. Centre (St.Kenneth Haney College of Engg.), Mysireddypalle, Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda – 508 126.AVTR
AKRG College of Engg. & Tech., Nallajerla, W.G. Disg. 534 112.AKRN
Akshaya Bharathi Inst. of Tech., R.S.Nagar, Siddavatam Post, Kadapa Dist. – 516 237.ABIT
Akula Gopayya Coll. of Engg. & Tech., Prathipadu, NH-5, ‘Y’ Junction, Prathipadu, Pentapadu, Tadepalligudem – 534 146, W.G.Dist.,AGCT
Akula Sreeramulu (ASR) College of Engg.,Tetali, Pydiparru, Tanuku, W.G. Dist. – 534 211.ASEK
Al-Aman College of Engineering, Gudilova, Anandapuram(M), Visakhapatnam – 531 173.AMAN
Alfa College of Engg. and Tech., Kandukur Metta, Allagadda – 518 543, Kurnool Dist.ALFA
Al-Habeeb College of Engg. & Tech., Damergidda, Chevella (M), R.R.Dist.-501403.ALHB
AM Reddy Memorial College of Engg. & Tech., Mastan Reddy Nagar, Petlurivaripalem, Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist. – 522 615.AMRN
Amalapuram Institute of Management Sciences & College of Engineering, NH-214, Mummidivaram, E.G.Dist.AIME
Amara Instt. of Engg. & Tech., Satuluru – 522 549, Narsaraopet, Nadendla (M), Guntur Dist.,AIET
Amina Inst. of Tech., Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, 501401, R.R.Dist.AMNA
AMR Inst. of Technology, Mavala, Adilabad (M), Adilabad Dist. – 504 002.AMRT
Amrita Sai Instt.of Sci. & Tech., Near 135′ Hanuman Statue, Paritala Road, NH-9, Amrita Sai Nagar, Kanchikacharla, Krishna Dist.,-521 180.ASIP
Anantha Lakshmi Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Itikalapalli, Ananthapur (R&M), Ananthapur Dist.,ALTS
Anasuya Devi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Gudur (V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda dist.ADTS
Andhra Loyola Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Polytechnic Post Office, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. – 520 008.ALIT
Anil Neerukonda Inst. of Tech. & Science, Sanghaivalasa, Bheemunipatnam (M), Visakhapatnam – 531162.ANIL
Anjan Narasimha Munaga Kancharla Thummapudi Inst.of Tech & Management, D.A.Agraharam, B.Mattam (M), Badvel, Kadapa Dist -516501.ANMB
Annamacharya Inst. of Tech. & Sci., Piglipur, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar(M), R.R.Dist.-501512.AITH
Annamacharya Inst. of Tech. & Sci.,Venkatapuram,Karakambadi, Mangalam Rd, Renigunta, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist.-517520.AITT
Annamacharya Inst. of Tech. & Science, Thallapakka, New Bowenpally, Rajampet – 516126, Kadapa Dist.AITS
ANU Bose Inst. of Tech., K.S.P.Road, Paloncha (M) – 507 115, Khammam Dist.,BOSE
Anurag College of Engg., Aushapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist.ANRH
Anurag Engineering Collge, Anantagiri, Kodad(M) – 508206, Nalgonda Dist.ANRK
Apex Engineering College, Vishwanadhapuram (V), Geesuganda(M), Warangal.APEX
Aravindaksha Educational Societys Group of Institutions, Balemla (V), Suryapet (M), Nalgonda Dist.-508376AESS
Arjun College of Technology & Science, Sy.No.376/7, Mount Opera Premises, Near RFC, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar (M), R.R.Dist. – 501 512.ARJN
Aryabhata Inst. of Tech., & Science, Srisailam Highway, Mohabath Nagar (V), Maheshwaram (M), R.R. Dist – 509 359ABTS
Ashok Institute of Engineering & Technology, Malkapur, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist.ASOK
AU College of Engg., Andhra University, VisakhapatnamAUCE
Audisankara College of Engg. & Tech., NH-5, Bypass Road, Vindhur, Gudur-524 101, Nellore Dist.SANK
Audisankara Inst. of Tech., NH-5, By-pass Road, Gudur, Nellore – 524 101ASIT
Aurora Scientific and Tech. Research Academy (Sant Samarth), Chandrayangutta, Kesavagiri, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad – 500 005SANT
Auroras Engineering College, Bommaipally, Raigiri, Bhongir(M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 116.AROR
Avanthi Inst. of Engg and Tech, Cherukapally, Bhogapuram, Vizinagaram dist.AVEV
Avanthi Inst. of Engg. and Tech, Gunthapally, Mazidpur, Hayathnagar, R.R. dist.,AVIH
Avanthi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Tamaram, Makavarapalem, Narsipatnam, Visakhapatnam – 531 113.AVEN
Avanthi’s Research & Technological Academy, Basavapalom, Bhogapuram, Vizianagaram Dist.ARTB
Avanthi’s Scientific Technological & Research Academy, Gunthapally (V), Hayathnagar (M), R.R. Dist.ASRA
AVN Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patel Guda Grampanchayat, Ragannaguda (P), Mangalpally(V), Ibrahimpatnam (M),
Ranga Reddy Dist.
AVR & SVR Coll. of Engg. & Tech., Ayyalur, Nandyal, Kurnool Dist.,ASVR
AVR & SVR Engg. College, Nannur (V), Oravakal (M), Kurnool Dist.AVSV
AVS College of Engg. & Tech., AVS Nagar, ABS Kandriga, Chowtapalem Panchayat, Veeranna Kanupur, Venkatachalam, Nellore-524320AVVN
Ayaan College of Engg. & Tech., Kanakmamidi (V), Moinabad (M), R.R.Dist.,AYAN
Azad College of Engineering for Women, Moinabad, R.R.Dist.,AZDW
B.V.C College of Engineering, Palacharla, Rajahmundry, E.G.Dist.BVCR
Badari Institute of Technology & Sciences for Women, Sy.No.56,Main Road, Sarpavaram, Kakinada, E.G.Dist.BITW
Balaji Institute of Tech. and Sci., Laknepally, Maheswaram, Narsampet, Warangal-506331.BITN
Balaji Instt. of Engg.& Sci., Laknepally, Narsampet, Warangal Dist.,-506 331.BISN
Bandari Srinivas Institute of Tech., Gollapalli, Kummere, Chevella, R.R. dist.,BSGP
Bapatla Engineering College, GBC Road, Bapatla, Guntur Dist-522101.BECB
Bapatla Womens Engineering College, Bapatla, Guntur dist. – 522 101.BWEC
Basavaraju krishna Bai (Laxmi)
Educational Society Group of Institutions, Gayathri Nagar, Nomula (V) Manchal Mandal, Near Ibrahimpatnam, RR District
Bharat College of Engg & Tech., for Women, Buggletipally (V&P), C.K.Dinne (M), Kadapa Dist.,BCTW
Bharat Inst. of Tech. & Science for Women, Mangalpally (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R. Dist.-501 510BTSW
Bharath Educational Societys Group of Instituitions Facultyof Engineering, Golden Valley Capmus, NH-205, Angallu, Kurabalkota (M), Chittoor Dist-517325GVIC
Bhaskar Engineering College, Amadapur X Road, Yenkapally, Moinabad (M), Himayathnagar, Hyderabad – 500 075BSKR
Bheema Inst. of Tech. & Science, Mandigiri (V), Adoni, Kurnool Dist. – 518 301BEMA
Bhimavaram Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Swamy Gnanananda Ashramam Rd, Pennada, Bhimavaram, W.G.Dist,-534243.BVRM
Bhoj Reddy Engg. College for Women, 17-1-209/B, Vinay Nagar, Santoshnagar X Road, Saidabad, Hyderabad – 500059.BREW
BIT Institute of Tech., S.No.284-1, Malgur, Peddaguddampalli, Beerepalli, H.S.Mandir, Hindupur, Anantapur dist.-515 212.BTHP
Bomma Inst. of Tech & Science, Allipuram, Behind Eenadu Office, Khammam – 507 318.BOMA
Bonam Venkata Chalamaiah Engg. College, Odalarevu, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist.,-533 210.BVCR
Bonam Venkata Chalamaiah Inst. of Tech. & Sci., P.B.No.26, Batlapalem, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist. – 533 221.BVTS
Brahmaiah College of Engg., North Raju Palem, Kadavaluru (M), Nellore Dist.-524 366.BCEN
Brilliant Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Abdullapur (V), Hayatnagar, R.R.Dist.- 501 582BRIL
Brillinat Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus), Abullapur (V), Hayatnagar (M), Ranga Reddy Dist.-501582.BRIG
Brindavan Inst. of Tech. & Science, NH-7, Peddatekurm, Kurnool Dist. – 518 218.BRNK
Buchepalli Venkayamma Subbareddy Engg. College, Chimakurthy (V&M), Prakasam Dist. – 523 226.BVSR
Chadalawada Ramanamma Engg. College, Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati-517506, Chittoor dist.CHDL
Chadalawada Venkata Subbaiah College of Engg., Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.-517 506CVSE
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Tech., Chaitanya Bharathi, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075.CBIT
Chaitanya Bharati Inst. of Tech., Pallavolu (V), Chapadu (M), Kadapa Dist.-516 362CBTK
Chaitanya Engg. College, Kommadi, Chaitanya Valley, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam – 530 041.CEVP
Chaitanya Engineering College, 9-3-15, Near Prakruthi Ashram, Bhimavaram, W.G. DistCECB
Chaitanya Inst. of Engg. & Tech., NH-5, Velugubanda, Rajnagaram, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist.-533294.CETR
Chaitanya Inst. of Sci. & Tech., Madhavapatnam, Samarlakota, Kakinada, E.G. Dist.,CHKN
Chalapathi Inst. of Engg.& Tech., Chalapathinagar, Lam, Guntur Dist. – 522 034.CIET
Chalapathi Inst. of Tech., A.R. Nagar, Mothadaka, Guntur Dist.-522 016CITY
Chebrolu Engg. College Inst. of Computer Electronics & Mgt., Campus, Chebrolu, Guntur Dist. – 522 212.CHBR
Chilkur Balaji Institute of Tech., RVS Nagar, Aziznagar, Moinabad Road, Near A.P.Police Academy, Hyderabad Dist. – 500 075.CBTV
Chirala Engineering College, Kothapeta, Vetapalem, Chirala, Ramapuram Beach Road, Prakasam dist. – 523 155.CECC
Chiranjeevi Reddy Inst. of Engg. & Technology, Rachanapally (V), Bellary Road, Anantapur – 515 001.CRIT
Christu Jyothi Inst. of Tech. & Science, Kolombonagar, Yashwanthapuram, Jangaon, Warangal Dist.,-506157.CJIT
City Women College of Engineering & Technology, #8-5-2/18, Moghal Campus, Near Chandrayangutta, X Road, Bandlaguda, HyderabadCWET
CM Engg. College, Sy.No.518, 519, 521 & 532, Mysammaguda, Dhulapalli (post via Hakimpet), Sec-bad- 14, Hyderabad.CMED
CMR College of Engg. & Tech., Sy.No.66,67,82,91,92 & 115/D, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, R.R.dist. – 501401. (Minority cancelled from 08-09)CMRK
CMR Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, R.R.Dist. – 501 401.CMRM
CMRTES School of Engineering (E & TS), CMR Technical Education Society Group of Institutions, Kandlkoya (V), Medchal (M), R.R.Dist.CMRG
Coastal Inst. of Tech., & Mngt., Narapam (V), Veerabhadrapuram, Kothavalasa, Vizianagaram Dist.CITM
College of Agricultural Engineering, Ananthapur (NG Ranga University)CAMS
College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla, Guntur Dist (NG Ranga University)CABP
College of Agricultural Science, Hyderabad (NG Ranga University)CARH
College of Food Science & Tech., Pulivendula, Kadapa Dist., (NG Ranga University)CFSP
CRV Inst. of Tech. & Science, Sy.No.800/Part, 808/A/B Parts, Lalgadi Malakpet (V), Shamirpet (M), R.R. Dist. – 500 078.CRVI
CVR College of Engg., Vastu Nagar, S.No.315, Mangalpalli, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.dist.-501510.CVRH
CVSR College of Engg., Venkatapur, Korremul, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. – 501 301.CVSR
Dadi Institute of Engg. & Tech., NH-5, Gavarapalem, Anakapalle, Visakhapatnam – 531002.DIET
Dairy Technology Program, C/o.Govt. Degree College, Kamareddy, Nizamabad Dist.CDTK
Dairy Tecnology Program, C/o.College of Veternary Science, S.V.U., Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.,CVST
Daita Mahdusudana Sastry Sri Venkateswara Hindu (DMSSVH) College of Engg., Pothipalli, Machilipatnam-521002, Krishna.SVHE
Damisetty Bala Suresh Institute of Technology, Maddurupadu (V) Kavali (M), SPSR Nellore Dist -524201.DSIT
Daripally Anantharamulu College of Engg., & Tech., Gandhi Chowk, Sathyanarayanapuram, Khammam Rural (M), Khammam.DARE
Deccan College of Engg. &Tech, Dar-us-Salam, Near Nampally, Aghapur, Hyderabad – 500 001.DCET
Devineni Venkata Ramana & Dr.Himasekhar MIC Coll. of Tech, Kanchikacherla, Krishna-521180.MICT
Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ganguru Village, Penmaluru Mandal, Krishna Dist.DHAN
DJR College of Engg. & Tech., Velpur (V), Via Gudavalli, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist.-521104.DJRC
DJR Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Velpur (V), Via gudavalli, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. – 521 104.DJRV
Don Bosco Inst. of Tech. & Science, 5th Mile, Pulladigunta, Korenepadu, Vaticherukura, Guntur Dist.DBIT
Dr.K.V.Subba Reddy College of Engg. for Women, Opp: Dupadu R.S. Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist – 518 218KVSW
Dr.KV Subba Reddy Inst. of Tech., Opp.Dupadu R.S., N.H.7, Laxmipuram, Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist. – 518 218.KVSR
Dr.Paul Raj’s Engg. College, Lutheran Office, SRN College, Gollagutta Road, Bhadrachalam, Khammam Dist. – 507 111.PREC
Dr.Samuel George Institute of Engg. & Tech., P.B.No.9, George Town, Darimadugu, Thokapally, Markapur, Prakasam Dist.,-523316.SGIT
DRK College of Engg. & Tech., Bowrampet, Qutbullapur (M), R.R.Dist.,DRKC
DRK Institute of Sci. & Tech., Bowrampet, Qutbullapur, R.R.Dist.-500043.DRKI
DVR College of Engg. and Tech., Kasipur, Kandi, Sangareddy, Medak Dist. – 502 283.DVRC
Ellenki College of Engg. & Tech., Shinnagudavelly, Burugupalli, Siddipet, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist. – 502 103.ELEN
Ellenki College of Engg. for Women, Patelguda (V), Near BHEL, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist.ECEW
Eluru College of Engg. & Tech., Duggirala (V), Pedavegi, W.G.Dist.-534 004ELRU
Eswar College of Engg., Kesanapalli (V), Narasaraopet, Guntur Dist – 522 601ESWR
EVM College of Engg. & Tech. Opp.RTO Office, Guntur Road, Jonnalagadda, Narsaraopet, Guntur Dist. – 522 601.EVMN
EVR College of Engineering & Technology, Peddeparvathapur (V) Bommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda DistEVRT
G.Narayanamma Institute of Tech. & Sci. for Women, 8-1-297/2/1, Shaikpet, Raidurg, Hyderabad – 500 008.GNTW
G.Pulla Reddy Engg. College, G.Pullareddy Nagar, Nandyal Road, Kurnool – 518002.GPRE
G.Pullaiah Coll. of Engg.& Tech., Nandikotkur Road, Pasupula, Opp.Jeevasudha Church, Venkayapalle, Kurnool – 518002.PCEK
G.V.R &S College of Engineering for Women, Ganginenipuram, Near Buddampudi, Guntur Dist.GVRW
Ganapathy College of Engg., Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal – 506 005.GNCH
Ganapathy Engineering Collge, Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal – 506 005.GNPT
Gandhi Academy of Tech. Education, Ramapuram (V), Chilukuru (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 206.GTEN
Gandhiji Inst. of Science & Tech., Bhimavaram (V), Near Jaggayyapet, Vatsavi, Krishna Dist. – 521 178GIST
Gate School of Engineering ( Sri sai Educational Societys Group of Institutions), Ramapuram (V), Kodad (P), Chilkur (M), Nalgonda Dist.-508206SAIK
Gates Institute of Tech., NH-7, Gooty, Peddavaduguru(M), Ananthapur dist. -515401.GATE
Gayathri Vidya Parishad (GVP) Coll. of Engg., PMP Colony, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam-530 041.GVPE
Gayatri Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gayatri Educational Society, Hyderabad Road, Jangareddy Gudem, W.G.Dist.GIEJ
Gayathri Vidya Parishad College of Engg. For Women, Sy.No.4, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam – 530 041.GVPW
Geetanjali Inst. of Science & Tech., Aziz Nagar (V&P), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist.-500 075.GISM
Geethanjali College of Engg. & Tech., Sy.No.33 & 34, Cheeryal, Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.-501 301.GCTC
Geethanjali Inst. of Science & Tech., 3rd Mile, Nellore Bombay Highway, Gangavaram, Kovuru, Nellore Dist – 524 137GTNN
GIET College of Engineering, NH-5, Chaitanya Nagar, Rajahmudry, E.G.Dist.GIET
Global College of Engg. & Tech., Nr.Satellite City, Chinnamachupalli (V), Chenur (M), Kadapa Dist – 516162GLBC
Global Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Sy.No.179/195, Chilkur, Moinabad, R.R.Dist.,GLOB
GMR Institute of Technology, GMR Nagar, Doolapet, Rajam, Srikakulam District – 532127.GMRI
Gnyana Saraswati Coll. of Engg. & Tech. Dharmaram, Dichpally, Nizamabad Dist. – 503 001.GSCE
Godavari Institute of Engg. & Tech., Chaitanyanagar, NH No.5, Velugubanda, Rajanagaram, Rajahmundry-533294, E.G.Dist.,GIER
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engg. & Tech., Miyapur, Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 072.GRRR
Gokul Institute of Tech. & Sci, Pirdi, Bobbili, Vizianagaram dist., – 535 558.GOKB
Gokula Krishna College of Engg., Behind RTC Depot, Sullurpet, Nellore Dist., – 524121.GKCS
Gonna Institute of Information Technology & Sciences, Gonnavani
Palem, Aganampudi, Visakhapatnam.
Gopal Reddy College of Engg. & Tech., Pedda Kanjerla (V), Patancheru (M), Medak Dist.-502 319GCET
Goutami Institute of Technology & Management for Women, Peddasettypally (P), Prodatur, Kadapa Dist -516360GTMW
Grandhi Varalakshmi Venkatarao Inst. of Tech., Vempa Road, Tinduru Post, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist – 534 207.GVIT
Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru – 521 356, Krishna Dist.GDLV
Guntur Engg. College, Yenamadala (V&P), Prattipadu (M), Guntur Dist. – 522 219.GECG
Gurindapalli Devananda Mary Memorial (GDMM) College of Engg. & Tech., for Women, Nandigama (V&M), Krishna Dist – 521185GDNW
Guru Nanak Inst of Tech., (JSN College of Engg. & Tech.,) Khanapur, Manchal (M), R.R.Dist.,(G.O.620)GNIT
Gurukul Group of Instituitinos, Sy.No.73&74, Bibinagar, NalgondaGGIB
GVR & S College of Eng. & Tech., Ganginenipuram, Near Budampadu, Guntur -522013.GVRS
Haji Mohammed Kashim Saheb & Mohammed Galab Saheb College of Engineering, Kangala Village, Cherukupally Mandal, Guntur Dist.HMKS
Hasvita Inst. of Engg. & Tech., (HIET), Temple Road, Keesara, R.R.Dist.-501 301.HIET
Hasvita Inst. of Management & Tech., Keesara, R.R.Dist.-501 301.HIMT
Helapuri Institute of Technology & Science, Vegavaram (V), Denduluru Mandal, WG DistHITE
Hi-Point College of Engg. & Tech., Chilkur, Moinabad, R.R. Dist.,HPTC
Hi-Tech College of Engg. & Tech., Himayathnagar, Gandipet, Moinabad, CB Post, Hyderabad-500075.HTEC
Holy Mary Inst. of Tech., Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.-501 301.HMTK
Holy Mary Inst. of Technology & Science, Bogaram, Keesara, Ranga Reddy Dist.-501301.HOLY
Hyderabad Inst. of Technology & Mngt., (Formerly Royal College of Engg.) Gowdevaly, Medchal (M), R.R.Dist., (Address changed vide GO.Rt.No.1003, dt:06.10.08 from Vivekananda nagar, Pillikotial Medak Town, Medak)HITM
Ideal Institute of Technology, Vidyut Nagar, Kakinada, E.G.Dist.IDEL
Indira Institute of Technology & Science, Darmadugu (V), Markapur Mandal, Prakasam Dist.IITM
Indira Priyadarshini College of Engg. & Tech., for Women, Nannur (V), Oravakal (M), Kurnool Dist – 518023INPW
Indur Institute of Engg. and Tech., Ponnal, Siddipet (M), Medak Dist. – 502 277.IITT
Inst. of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Qutbullapur (M), Hyderabad – 500 043.IARE
Intell Engineering College, Intel Campus, Akkampally Cross, Kalyan Durg Road, Anantapur – 515 004.INTL
International School of Technology & Sciences (Women), East GonaGoudem, Rajanagaram Mandal, RajahmundryISTS
Islamia College of Engg. & Tech. for Women, Bandlaguda (M), Hyderabad Revenue Division, Hyderabad – 500007.ISLW
Jagans College of Engg. & Tech., Chavatapalem (V), Venkatachal, Nellore Dist.JGNN
Jawaharlal Nehru Inst. of Tech., Adarsh Farm, Mangalpally, Patelguda, Ibrahimpatan, R.R Dist.,-501510.JNIT
Jaya Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Sy.No.910, Ward No.7, Block 1,Near Padmakshamma Temple, Hanumakonda, Warangal.JITW
Jaya Prakash Narayan College of Engg., Dharmapur, Mahaboobnagar – 509 001.JPNE
Jaya Prakash Naryan Educational Society Group of Institutions – School of Engineering, 3-81, Christian Pally (V), Boothpur Road, Mahabubnagar Dist. – 509001.JPNC
Jayamukhi Institute of Tech. & Sci., Moqdumpuram, Narsampet, Waranga Dist., – 506 332.JAYA
JB Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sy.No.220, Yenkapally, Moinabad (M), R.R.Dist., – 500 075.JBIT
JB Womens Engg. College, Daminedu (V), Renigunta Road, Tirupati – 517506, Chittoor Dist.JBWC
JJ Inst. of Information Tech., Maheswaram (V), R.R. Dist.- 501 359.JJIT
JNTU College of Engg. , Pulivendula, Kadapa Dist.,JNTP
JNTU College of Engg.,
JNTU College of Engg.,
Kakinada – 533 003, E.G. Dist.,
JNTU College of Engg.,
Kukatpally, Hyderabad
JNTU College of Engineering, KarimnagarJNKR
JNTU College of Engineering, VizianagaramJNTV
Jogaiah Institute of Tech. and Science, Kalagampudi, NH-214, Elemanchali(M), W.G. Dist.-268.JITE
Joginpally B R Engg. College, Sy.No.220, Himayatnagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad, R.R. Dist. – 500 075.JOGI
Jyothismathi Coll. of Engg. & Tech., Thurkapally, Shamirpet, R.R.Dist. – 500 078.JETT
Jyothismathi Inst. of Tech. Sciences, Ramakrishnapur Colony, Karimnagar – 505 481.JMTK
Jyothismathi Institute of Tech. & Sci., Nustulapur, Thimmapur, Karimnagar-505481.JMTS
Kakatiya Institute of Tech. & Sci, Yerragattu, Hillocks, Bheemaram(M), Hasanparthy, Warangal-506 015.KITS
Kakatiya Institute of Tech. & Science for Women, Manikbhandar Village, Makloor Mandal, Nizamabad Dist.KITW
Kakinada Inst. of Engg. & Tech. for Women, No.305, Yanam Road, Korangi (V), Tallarevu (M), E.G.Dist.-533461.KETW
Kakinada Inst. of Tech. & Science, Tirupathi (V), Peddapuram, E.G. Dist. – 533 433KTSP
Kakinada Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Ambikapalli, Agraharam (V), Ramachandrapuram, E.G. Dist – 533 255KISR
Kakinada Institute of Engg. & Tech., -II, 306, Korangi (V), Tallarevu Mandal, E.G.Dist.KIET
Kakinada Institute of Engg. & Tech., Yanam Road, Metlapalem, Tallarevu (V), Korangi-533461, Kakinada, E.G.Dist.,KITK
Kamala Institute of Tech. and Sci., Singapur, Huzurabad, Karimnagar Dist., – 505 468.KTKM
Kamareddy Engineering College, Devanpally, Kamareddy (M), Nizamabad Dist.,KREC
Kandula Lakshumma Memorial (KLM) College of Engg. For Women, Tadigotla (V), Chintakomma Dinne (M), Kadapa Dist. – 516 003.KLMW
Kandula Obul Reddy Memorial College of Engg., Tadigotla, Chintakommadinne(M), Kadapa – 516 003.KORK
Kasireddy Narayan Reddy College of Engg. & Research, Abdullapur (V), Hayathnagar, R.R. Dist. – 501 582KNRR
Kaushik College of Engineering, Gambheeram – 531 163, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam.KUSH
KBR Engg. College, Pagidipalli (V) (Bibinagar), Bhovanagiri (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 126.KBRB
Keshav Memorial Inst. of Tech.,
3-5-1026, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500 029.
KG Reddy College of Engg. & Tech., Chilkur (V), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist – 501 504KGRH
Khammam Inst. of Tech. & Science, Ponnekal (VUG), Khammam Rural Mandal, Khammam Dist – 507 170KMTS
KITE College of Professional Engg. Sciences, Shabad, Shabad (M), R.R. Dist. – 509 217KPES
KITE Womens College of Professional Engg. Sciences, Shabad, Shabad (M), R.R. Dist. – 509 217KPSW
KKC Inst. of Tech. & Engg. For Women, Nagari – Tirupati Road,Parameswaramangalam, Puttur, Chittoor Dist – 517 583.KKCW
KKR & KSR Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Vinjanampadu (V), Vatticherukur (M), Guntur Dist.-522 017.KKSR
KLR College of Engg. & Tech., Bhadrachalam Road, Polancha, Khammam Dist. – 507 115.KLRT
KMM Inst. of Tech. & Science, Ramireddypally, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.KMMT
Kodada Inst. of Tech. & Science for Women, Near Rangani Gudi, Ananthagiri Road, Kodada, Nalgonda Dist. – 508 206.KDDW
Kommuri Pratap Reddy Inst. of Tech., Edulabad (V), Ghanapur GP., Ghatkesar, R.R. DistKPRT
Konaseema Inst. of Mgt. Sciences & College of Engg., NH-214, Chaitanya Nagar, Near Red Bridge, Kamanagaruvu (V), Amalapuram, E.G. Dist. – 533 201.KIMS
Kothamasu Saraswathamma & Subbaratnam Womens Engg. College, Nelapadu (V), Tenali (M), Guntur Dist. – 522 201.KSSW
Kottam College of Engg.,
Chinnatekur, Kallur,
Kurnool – 518 218.
Kottam Inst. of PG Studies (Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College of Engg.), Kondair, Itikyal(M), Mahabubnagar Dist.-509125. (Name changed vide GO.Rt.No.1075, dt:01.11.08)KTMC
Kottam Karunakara Reddy Inst. of Tech., Chinna Tekuru (V), Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist. – 518 218.KKIT
Krishna Chaitanya Inst. of Technology & Sciences, Devarajigattu (V), Peddaraveedu (M), Prakasam – 523 320.KCIT
Krishna Murthy Inst. of Tech. & Engg., Sy.No.23 & 39, Edulabad, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist.-501301.KITE
Krishnas Pragati Inst. of Tech., DBV Raju Township, Diwancheruyu, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist – 533 103KPIT
Krishnaveni Engg. College for Women, Kesanaupalli (V), Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist-522 601KECW
Kshatriya College of Engg., Chepur, NH-16, Armoor, Perkit, Nizamabad Dist. – 503 224.KCEA
KSN Institute of Technology
Kovur (V & M), Nellore Dist -524137.
KSRM (Kandula) College of Engg., H.No.3/429, Raja Reddy Street, Tadigotla, Chintakommadina, Pulivendula Rd, Yerramasupalli, Kadapa Dist. – 516 003.KSRM
Kuppam Engineering College,
KES Nagar, Peddabanganatham, Kuppam-517425, Chittoor Dist.
Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engg., L.B.Reddy Nagar, Mylavaram,Krishna Dist.-521230.
(424, 09.05.08 for 08-09)
Laqshya Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Tenikella (V), Konderla (M), Khammam Dist.LAQS
Lendi Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Jonnada (V), Denkada, Vizaianagaram Dist. – 535 005LIET
Lenora College of Engineering, Church Compound, Irlapalli, Rampachodavaram, E.G. Dist., – 533 288.LENO
Lords Institute of Engg. & Tech.,
Sy.No.32, Himayath Sagar,
Hyderabad – 500 008
Loyola Institute of Tech & Mgt., Loyola Nagar, Dhulipalla, Sattenapally (M), Guntur-522403. (CM Staus withdrawn vide lr dt:09.07.09)LOYL
Madanapalle Institute of Tech. & Sci., P.B.No.14, Angallu, Madanapally-517325, Chittoor.MITS
Madhira College of Engg., Madhiranagar, Paleannaram (V), Chilkur (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 238.MDCE
Madhira Educational Society Group of Instituitions, Koheda (V), Hayathnagar (M), RR DistMDIH
Madhira Institute of Tech. & Sci., Madhira Nagar, Paleannaram, Chilkur, Kodad, Nalgonda-508238MDRK
Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathiraj (MVGR) College of Engineerng, Vijayaram Nagar, Chintalavalasa, Vizianagaram – 535005.MVGR
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Tech., Chaitanya Bharathi, Kokapet, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075.MGIT
Mahaveer Institute of Sci. & Tech., Vyasapuri, Bandlaguda, Kesavagiri, Hyderabad – 500 005.MHVR
Maheshwara Engg. College, Chitkul, Isnapur X Road, Patencheru, Medak Dist.
- 502307, (Bapuji Engg. Coll.)
Maheshwara Inst. of Tech., Chitkul, Isnapur X Road, Patencheru, Medak Dist.-502 307. (Jatipita Coll. of Engg.)MITP
Malineni Lakshmaiah Engineering College, Kanumalla, Singarayakonda-523 101, Prakasam Dist.,MLEC
Malineni Lakshmaiah Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Near Ramannapalem, North Raju Palem (V), Kodavaluru, Nellore Dist.-524 366.MLET
Malineni Lakshmaiah Womens Engg. College, Pulladigunta (V), Kornepadu (P), Vatticherukuru (M), Guntur Dist.-522 017MLEW
Malineni Perumallu Educational Societys Group of Colleges (Integrated Campus), Pulladigunta, Kornapadu, Vatticherukuru Mandal, Guntur Dist.MPES
Malla Reddy College of Engg & Tech, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Gundlapochampally, Medchal (M), R.R. Dist.-500014.MLRD
Malla Reddy College of Engineering for Women, Sy.No.43, 46, 47, 48, 53, 113, 114, 115, 116, 128, 130, Suraram ‘X’ Road, Quthubullapur Municipality, R.R. DistMCEW
Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Sy.No.640a, 641/2, 646/c, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post via Hakimpet), Secunderabad – 500114MRCW
Malla Reddy Engineering College, Sy.No.593, 594, Dhulapally, Gundla Pochampally, Maisammaguda, Medchal, R.R.Dist. – 500 014.MRET
Malla Reddy Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Sy.No.631, 632/1, 629, 630, 632, 641/1, Mysammaguda, Dhulapalli, (post via hakimpet), Sec-bad – 14.MLRD
Malla Reddy Inst. of Tech. & Sci, Sy.No.640-646, Mysammaguda, Dhulapally, Gundlapochampally, Medchal, R.R. Dist.,MRIT
Malla Reddy Inst. of Tech., Sy.No.645, 642/1, 643/1, 644/1, 645/P, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally Post, Via Hakimpet, Secunderabad – 500 014MLTM
Mannan Institute of Sci. & Tech.,
Sy.No.228 & 229, Aloor, Chevella (M), R.R.Dist. – 501 503.
Marconi Inst. of Tech., Mudimyal (V), Chevella (M), R.R. Dist. – 501 503MARC
Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Tehcnology and Management, Marri Laxman Reddy School of Engineering, Dundigal, Qutbullapur (M), R.R.Dist., HyderabadMLRS
Matrix Inst. of Tech., Cheekatimamidi (V), Mommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 116MXIT
Medha College of Engg., Laxmi Devi gudem, Bibinagar, Nalgonda Dist.-508 126.MDHA
Medha Institute of Science & Technology for Women, Sai Prabhat Nagar, Pedathanda (V), Khammam Mandal, Khammam.MISW
Megha Inst. of Engg. & Tech. for Women, Sy.No.7, Edulabad, Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist. – 501 301.MGHA
Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Institute of Tech & Sci., Udayagiri, Nellore Dist., – 524 226.MRMU
Mentey Pedmanabham College of Engg. & Tech., Dirusumarru Road, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist.-534 201.MPTB
Methodist College of Engg. & Tech., 4-1-1001, 4-1-1045, 878-B, & 3-2, King Koti Road, Abids, Hyderabad – 500 001.METH
Mina Inst. of Engg. & Tech. for Women, Miryalaguda, Nalgonda Dist.MINA
Miracle Educational Society Group of Institutions, Kongavanipalem (V),Miracle City, Bhaogapuram Mandal, Vizianagaram Dist.MRCL
MJR College of Engineering & Technology, Diguvapokulavari Palli(V), Pulicherla (M), Chittoor.MJRT
MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Qutbullapur, Hyderabad – 043.MLID
MN Rao Womens Engg. College, Amdapur ‘X’ Road, Yenkapally (V), Himayatnagar (P), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist.MNRW
MNR College of Engg. & Tech., MNR Nagar, Narsapur Road, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Medak Dist.MNRT
Modugula Kalavathama Inst. of Tech. for Women, New Boyanapalli, Rajampet, Kadapa Dist. – 516 115.MKTW
Moghal College of Engg. & Tech., 8-5-2/181, Moghal Campus, Bandlaguda, Near Chandrayangutta X Roads, Hyderabad – 500 004.MOGH
Mohammadiya Institute of Computer Technology, Barugudem, Warangal Highway, Khammam -507163MITK
Montessori Siva Sivani Inst. of Science & Tech., Mailavaram, Mailavaram (M), Krishna Dist. – 521 230MSIT
Mother Theresa College of Engg. & Tech., PP Colony, Peddapalli, Peddabonkuru, Karimnagar Dist., – 505 174.MTEC
Mother Theresa Institute of Sci. and Tech., Sanketika Nagar, Kothur, Sattupalli, Khammam Dist.-507 303.MOTK
Moula Ali College of Engg. and Tech., Gonipeta, Penukonda, Ananthapur Dist.,MALI
Muffakham Jah (MJ) College of Engg. & Tech., 8-2-249, Mount Pleasant, Road No.3, Banjara Hills, HyderabadMJCT
Mumtaz College of Engineering & Tehchonology, 15-2-737, Malakpet, Hyderabad-500036MMTZ
Murthy Institute of Tech. & Sci., Ankireddypally, Keesara, R.R.Dist.,MUTK
MVR College of Engg. & Tech., Besides Hanuman Statue & MH-9, Paritala, Krishna Dist. – 521180MVRS
MVSR (Maturi Venkata Subba Rao) Engg. College, Nadargul, Saroor Nagar(M), Hyderabad.MVSR
Nagarjuna Institute of Tech. & Sci., SBI Complex, Srinivasanagar, Miryalguda, Nalgonda Dist.-508207NGTS
Nagole Institute of Technology & Science, Kuntloor Village, Hayathnagar Mandal, R.R.Dist.NAGL
Nalanda Inst. of Engg. & Tech, Siddharth Nagar, Kantepudi, Sattenapally(M), Guntur Dist.-522438.NLND
Nalanda Inst. of Tech., Siddharthanagar, Kantepuri (V), Sattenapalli (M), Guntur Dist – 522 438NNTS
Nalgonda Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Charlapally (V), Hyderabad Road, Nalgonda Dist.NLGN
Nalla Narasimha Reddy Educational Societys Group of Institutions, Chowdariguda, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist.-500088.NNRG
Nallamalla Reddy Engg. College, 7-01, Divyanagar, Kachvanisingaram, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist.-501 301.NREC
Nannapaneni Venkata Rao College of Engineering & Technology, Nannapaneni Venkata Rao Nagar, Itha Nagar, Tenali,Guntur.NVRT
Narasapur Institute of Technology, Narasapur, W.G.DistNITL
Narasaraopet Inst. of Tech., Kotappakonda Road, Yellamanda Post, Narasaraopet, Guntur Dist – 522 601NITN
Narasaraopeta Engg. College, Kotappakonda Road, Yelamanda, Narsaraopet, Guntur Dist.-522601NSPE
Narayana Engineering College,
Gunduru Durjati Nagar, Gudur,
Nellore Dist., – 524 101.
Narayana Engineering College,
Narayana Avenue, N.C.Factory, Opp. Apollo Hospital, A.K. Nagar, Nellore – 524 004.
Narayanadri Institute of Science & Technology, Anantharajapuram, Rajampet -Venkatpally Road, Rajampet, Kadapa Dist -516115.NIST
Narsimha Reddy Engg. College, Sy.No.518, Maisammaguda, Gundlapochampally, Medchal (M), R.R. Dist.,NRCM
NBKR Institute of Sci. and Tech., Vidyanagar, Nellore Dist.-524413.NBKR
Netaji Institute of Engg. & Tech., Tupranpet, Near Ramoji Film City, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 252.NIET
New India College of Engg. & Tech., Gollapalli, Chevella, R.R. Dist.,NICT
New Netaji Inst. of Tech., Toopranpet, Near Ramoji Film City, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 252NNIT
Newtons Institute of Engg., Alugurajapally, Kupunoor(p), Macherla, Guntur dist.-522426.NEWT
Nexus College of Science & Tech, Yacharam (V), R.R. Dist – 501 509NEXS
Nigama Engg. College, Sambaiahpally (V), Karimnagar Dist. – 505 186NGMA
Nightingale Engineering College (Women), Girijala Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam Dist.NECW
Nimra Womens College of Engg., Nimra Nagar, Jupudi – 521 456, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist.,NMRW
Nishitha College of Engg. & Tech, Lemoor, Kandukur (M),
Noble College Engg. & Tech. for Women, Nadargul (V), Saroornagar (M), R.R. Dist.NETW
Noor College of Engg., & Tech.,
Noor Gate, Solipur, Amangal Road, Shadnagar-509216, Mahabubnagar dist.
Nova College of Engg & Tech for Women, Judpudi, Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna DistNOVW
Nova College of Engg & Tech Vegavaram, Jangareddygudem (M), W.G. Dist-534447.NOVA
Nova College of Engg. & Tech., (MKR & MVN), Sy.No.315, 316, 317, Jafferguda, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar (M), R.R.Dist.-501 512.NOVH
Nova College of Engg. & Tech., Ibrahimpatnam (M), Krishna Dist – 521 105NVAV
Nova Institute of Technological Research for Women, Jafferguda, Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar, R.R.Dist.NVHW
Novas Inst. of Tech. for Women, Sanivarapupet, Thangellamudi (V), Eluru (M), W.G.Dist – 521 106NVEW
NRI Inst. of Tech., Perecharla, Visadala Road, Perecharla, Guntur-522009.NRIT
NRI Inst. of Tech., Pothavarappadu (V), Via Nunna Agiripalli, Krishna Dist. – 521 212NRIA
NRI Institute of Technology, Srisailam Highway, Kothur Village, R.R.Dist.NRIH
OU College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500 007.OUCE
OU College of Tech., Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500 007.OUCT
P.Indra Reddy Memorial Engg. College, Chevella, R.R.Dist. – 501 503.IRMC
PACE Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Vallur (V), NH-5, Ongole, Prakasam Dist – 523 001.PACE
Padmasri Dr.B.V.Raju Institute of Tech., Vishnupur, Narsapur, Medak Dist – 502 313.BVRI
Paladugu Nagaiah Chowdary & Vijai Inst. of Engg. & Tech., (PNC) Repudi (V), Pirangipuram, Guntur Dist. – 522 529.PNCV
Paladugu Parvathidevi College of Engg. & Tech., Surampalli (V), Gannavaram (M), Krishna Dist – 521 212.PPDV
Panineeya Institute of Technology & Science, Vivekananda Nagar, Dilsukhnagar, HyderabadPANI
Parvathareddy Babul Reddy (PBR) Visvodaya Inst. of Tech. & Sci., Kavali-524201, Nellore Dist.,VITK
Pathfinder Engineering College, Thimmapur, Hanmakonda, Warangal -506005PECH
Ponnur Engineering College, Chintalapudi, Ponnur Mandal,Guntur Dist.PECC
Potti Sriramulu College of Engg. & Tech., Kothapeta, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. – 520 001.PSCV
Pragati Engineering College,
1-378, ADB Road, Surampalem, Peddapuram, E.G.Dist -533437.
Prajna Instt. of Tech. & Mgmt, NH-5, Ramakrishnapuram, Palasa-532243, Ragoi, Via Haripuram, Srikakulam dist.,PITM
Prakasam Engineering College, O.V.Road, Kandukur, Kanigiri Road, Prakasam Dist., – 523 105.PKSK
Prasad Engineering College, Shameerpet (V), Janagaon (M), Warangal Dist.-506167.PECJ
Prasad Inst. of Tech. & Sci. Vidyanagar, Jaggayyapet, Krishna Dist.,PITS
Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Tech., Kanuru, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist.-007.PPSV
Prasiddha College of Engineering & Technology, Ananthavaram Village, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist.PCET
Praveenya Inst. of Marine Engg., Modavalsai (V), Denkada (M), Viziayanagaram Dist. – 531 162.PIME
Princeton College of Engg. & Tech., Ankushapur, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. – 501 301.PRIN
Princeton institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), RR Dist – 501301PETW
Priyadarshini Coll of Engg. & Tech, Kanuparthipadu, A.K.Nagar, Nellore-524004.PRIK
Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Sullurpet, Nellore Dist., – 524 121PDCS
Priyadarshini Inst. of Tech. & Science for Women, Sy.No.153, 152/3, 137/1, 137/2, 140/5, Chintalapudi, Tenali, Guntur Dist.- 522 306PITW
Priyadarshini Inst. of Tech., C.Ramachandrapuram, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.PDIT
Priyadarshini Inst. of Technology, Kaknuparthipadu, A.K.Nagar(P), Nellore-524004PINN
Priyadarshini Instt. of Tech. &Sci,
Sy.No.152, 154, Chintalapudi,
Tenali, Guntur Dist.-522306.
Prof. Rama Reddy College of Engg. & Tech., Nandigama (V), Patancheru, Medak Dist. – 502 300RREP
Progressive Engg. College, ChikatiMamidi, Bhongir(v), Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda Dist- 508 116.PROG
PRRM Engineering College, Shabad, R.R.Dist. – 509 217.PRRM
Pujya Shri Madhavanji College of Engg. & Tech., Bhagavathipuram, Mohabatnagar, Tummuluru G.P. Maheswaram, R.R. Dist. – 501 359PJMS
Pujya Shri Madhavanji Inst. of Science & Tech., Bhagavathipuram, Mohabatnagar, Tummuluru G.P. Maheswaram, R.R. Dist. – 501 359PJSM
Pulipati Prasad Inst. of Tech. & Science, Sri Balaji Nagar, Near Ammapalem, Waya Road, Khammam – 507 305PPIT
Pulla Reddy Engg.College, Wargal Village, Medak MandalPREM
Pulla Reddy Inst. of Tech., S.No.2096, Wargal (V&M), Medak Dist.-502 278PRTM
PVKK Inst. of Tech., Sanapa Road, Rudrampeta, Anantapur Dist.PVKK
Pydah College of Engg. & Tech., Gambheeram, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam – 531 163.PYDA
Pydah College of Engineering, Patavala, Kakinada, E.G.Dist.PYDE
QIS College of Engg. & Tech., Vengamukkapalem, Pondur Road, Ongole-523272, Prakasam Dist.,QISE
QIS Inst. of Tech., Vengamukkapalem, Pondur Road, Ongole, Prakasam Dist – 523 272QITO
Raghu Engineering College, Dakamarri, Bheemili, Bheemunipatnam(M), Visakhapatnam -531162.RAGU
Raghu institute of Technology, Dakamarri, Bheeminipatnam, Visakhapatnam Dist.,RITV
Raja Mahendra College of Engg., Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist., – 501 506.RMCK
Rajamahendri Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Bhupalapatnam, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist.RIET
Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engg. & Tech., Nandyal, Kurnool – 518 501.RGIT
Rajoli Veera Reddy Padmaja Engg. College for Women, Pulivendula Road, Tadigotia (V), C.K. Dinne (M), Kadapa – 516 003RVPW
Ramachandra College of Engg., Vatluru (V), Peddapadu (M), Eluru – 534007, W.G.Dist.,RCEE
Ramanandatirtha Engg. College, Ramanada Nagar, Cherlagowraram (V), Kangal, Nalgonda Dist.- 508 004SRTN
Ramappa Engineering College, Maheshwaram, Hunter Road, Shyampet Jagir, Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist., – 506 101.RAMP
Rami Reddy Subbarami Reddy Engg. College, Kadanthala (V), Bogole (M), Nellore Dist – 524 201RSRN
Ravindra College of Engg. For Women, nandikotkur Road, Pasupala (V), Kurnool Dist – 518 002.RAVW
Rayalaseema School of Engg. & Research,(Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institution), Chinthagunta (V), Near C.Gollapalli, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517505.SEAT
RISE Gandhi Group of Institutions, Valluru Village, Tanguturu Mandal, Prakasam Dist.RGAN
RISE Prakasam Group of Institutions, Valluru Village, Tanguturu Mandal, Prakasam Dist.RPRA
Rishi M.S Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, 1-2-54/1, Opp JNTU Kukatpally, Hyderabad-85RITW
RK College of Engg., R.S.No.52, 53, Navepotavaram (V), Ketana Konda, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada -521 456.RKCE
RRS College of Engineering & Tech., (formerly St.Stanley College of Engg. & Tech.), Muthangi, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist.-502300. (name changed vide Go.Rt.No.550, dt:17.06.08, HE(EC-2) Dept.)RRST
RVR & JC College of Engg., Chandramoulipuram, Chowdavaram, Guntur Dist.,RVJC
RVR Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sheriguda, Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.,-501 510.RVRI
Sagar Institute of Technology (SVVR Educational Society Group of Inst.) Urella (V), Chevella (M), Ranga Reddy Dist -501 503.SAGR
Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju (SRKR) Engg. College, Bhimavaram, West Godavari Dist.SRKR
Sahaja Inst. of Tech. Sciences for Women, Kothapalli (H), Rekurthy, Karimnagar Dist – 505 451SAJW
Sahasra College of Engineering For Women, Vangapahad Village, Hasanparthi Mandal, Warangal Dist.SCEW
Sai Spurty Institute of Tech., B.Gangaram, Sattupally, Khammam – 507 303.SAIS
Sai Sudhir Inst.of Engineering & Tech. for Women, Sy.No.112 & 106, Godhumakunta, Keesara Mandal, R.R.Dist.-500 062.SSUW
Samskruti Inst. of Engg., & Tech., (St.Vincent) Kondapur, Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist.- 501301.SMSK
Sana College of Engg. Tech. & Research Inst., NH-9, Kodad, Nalgonda Dist. – 508 206.SNAA
Sana Engineering College, NH-9, Kodad, Nalgonda – 508206.SANA
Sankethika Institute of Technolgy & Management, Pothinamallyyapalem Educational Complex, Visakhapatnam.STMV
Sankethika Vidya Parishad Engg. Coll., Pothinamallaya Palem, Visakhapatnam – 530 041.SAVE
Santhiram Engg. College,
NH-18, Nandyal, Kurnool dist
Sarada Institute of Sci., Tech. & Mngt, Sy.No.164,165,174,175, 176,177,178 Ampolu Road, Srikakulam – 532 404.SITM
Sarada Institute of Tech. & Sci., Sarada Nagar, Raghunathapalem, Khammam – 507 002.SITK
Sarojini Inst. of Tech., Telaprolu (V), Unguturu (M), Krishna Dist. – 521 109SITT
Sasi Institute of Tech. & Engg., Kadakatla-534101, Tadepalligudem, W.G.Dist.SASI
School of Engg. and Tech., Sri Padmavathi Mahila (Womens) (SPMVV), Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist.,SPMUSF
Scient Institute of Tech., Sy.No.324,323,326, Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.-505.SNTI
Seshachala Inst. of Tech., Tirupati Chennai Highway, Puttur, Chittoor Dist. – 517 583.SEST
Shaaz College of Engg. & Tech., Himayatnagar, Moinabad, R.R. dist.,SHAZ
Shadan College of Engg. & Tech, Peerancheru, Himayatsagar Road, HyderabadSCOP
Shadan WomenSWET
Shahjehan College of Engg.& Tech., Sy.No.232&239, Nyalata, Ramannaguda Rd, Chevella (M), R.R. Dist.-501 503.SJHN
Shiva Rama Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Turukalakota, Nandigama Mandal Srikakulam DistSRKT
Shree Inst. of Tech. Education, Krishnapuram (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor dist. – 517 520SHRE
Shri Sai Institute of Engg. & Tech., #2-383, Ward No.10, NH-7, Podaralla (V), Vadiampeta, Bukkarayasamudram (M), Ananthapur Dist.-515001.SSEA
Shri Shiridi Sai Institute of Science & Engineering, # 2-383, Ward No.10, NH-7, Vaidyampeta (P), Podaralla (V), Bukkarayasamudram (M), Ananthapur DistSSSS
Shri Vishnu Engg. College for Women, Kovvada, Vishnupur, Bhimavaram, W.G.dist. – 534202.VISW
Siddharth Institute of Engg. and Tech., Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road, Puttur, Chittoor Dist. – 517583.SDTN
Siddhartha Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Bagayath Ibrahimpatnam, Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R. Dist – 501 506SIEI
Siddhartha Inst. of Science & Tech., Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavaram Road, Puttur, Chittoor Dist – 517 583.SIST
Siddhartha Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist. – 501 301SISG
Simhadri Educational Society Group of Institutions, Sabbavaram to Ankapalli Road, narapadu (V), Sabbvaram (M), VisakhapatnamSIMH
Sindhura College of Engg. and Tech., Jyothinagar, Medipally, Godavarikhani, Ramagundam, Karimnagar – 505209.SIND
Sir CR Reddy College of Engg.,
Vatluru, Eluru – 534 007, W.G.Dist.
Sir Vishveshwaraiah Inst. of Science & Tech., Angallu, Madanapally, Chittoor Dist.-517325SVTM
SKR College of Engineering & Technology, Konduru Satram (V), Manubolu (M), Nellore Dist – 524405SKRT
SLC’s Inst. of Engg. & Tech, Piglipur, Hayatnagar,Near Ramoji Film City, R.R.Dist.,-501512.SLCH
Sphoorthy Engineering College (Bhagyanagar Inst. of Tech), Nadargul, Saroornagar (M), Near Vanasthalipuram, R.R. Dist.-501510SPHN
SPR College of Engg. & Tech.,
Ankushapur, Ghatkesar,
R.R.Dist. – 501 301.
SR Engineering College,
Ananthasagar, Hasanparthy (M), Warangal Dist.-506371.
Sree Chaitanya College of Engg.,
LMD Colony, Thimmapur,
Karimnagar Dist., – 505 527.
Sree Chaitanya Inst. of Technological Sciences, LMD Colony, Thimmapoor, Karimnagar Dist. 505 527.SCIT
Sree Kavitha Institute of Science & Technology, Krishnapuram (V), Madhira Mandal, Khammam.SKIT
Sree Rama Engg. College, Karakambadi Road, Opp: LIC Training Centre, Venkatapuram (V), Ranigunta (M), Chittoor District – 517 520.SRET
Sree Rama Instt. of Tech & Sci., Kuppenakuntla, Penuballi, Khammam Dist.-507302.SRIT
Sree Vahini Inst. of Science & Tech., Nadim Tiruvuru, Beside Ganesh Temple, By Pass Road, Tiruvuru, Krishna Dist – 521 235.VHNI
Sri Aditya Engg. College, Aditya Nagar, Surampalem, Gandepalli (M), E.G. Dist. – 533 437.SACS
Sri Chundi Ranganayakulu Engg. College, Chilakaluripeta, Guntur dist.-522619.CHND
Sri Datta Inst. of Engg.& Science, (Narayanpet Inst.) Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatan, R.R.Dist.-501510.SDES
Sri Gnaneswari Research & Technological Academy for Women, Kavulavada (V), Bhogapuram (M), Vizianagaram.GNAW
Sri Indu College of Engg. & Tech., Main Road, Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.-501510.INDU
Sri K.S.Raju Inst. of Tech. and Sci., Kanakamamidi, Moinabad, R.R. Dist., – 501 504.KSIT
Sri Kalahastiswara Institute of Tech., Panagal, Srikalahasti, Chittoor Dist.,-517 644.SKHE
Sri Kavitha Engg. College, Karepalli, Yellandu, Khammam Dist., -507122.SKEC
Sri Krishnadeveraya Engg. College, NH-7, Gooty, Ananthapur dist. – 514 001SKUASF
Sri Mittapalli College of Engg., Tummapalem, NH-5, Guntur-522 233, Guntur Dist.,MPLG
Sri Mittapalli Inst. of Tech. for Women, Tummalapalem, NH-5, Guntur Dist. – 522 233.MPLW
Sri Nagoji Rao Institute of Tech.& Science for Women, Thirumala Hills, Appannapally.SNRM
Sri Padmavathi Engineering College, Kavali, Nellore DistSPCK
Sri Prakash College of Engg., Rajupeta, Kothuru, Tuni, E.G.Dist.,-533 401.SPCT
Sri Raghavendra Inst. of Science & Tech., Kavali Udayagiri Road, Vinjamur (P&M), Nellore dist.-524 228.SRVT
Sri Sai Aditya Institute of Sci. & Tech., Aditya Nagar, ADB Road, Surampalem-533 437, Gundepalli, E.G.Dist.SISS
Sri Sai Institute of Tech. & Sci., 2/714-18, Gollapally, Rayachoti, Kadapa Dist., – 516270.SRSR
Sri Sai Jyothi (SSJ) Engg. College, Vattinagulapally, Gandipet, Hyderabad – 500 075. (shifted from 8-6-275/1, Padmavathy Colony, Opp. Bhageeratha Colony, Mahabubnagar vide G.O.Rt.No.865, dt:27.10.07)SSJV
Sri Sai Madhavi Inst. of Science & Tech., Near Rajahmundry, Rajanagaram, E.G. Dist.-533294SSMR
Sri Sarada Inst. of Sci. & Tech., Anantharam, Near Bibinagar, Bhongir (M), Nalgonda dist.-508116.SSST
Sri Sarathi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Nuzvid – 521201,
Krishna Dist.,
Sri Satya Narayana (SSN) Engg. Coll., Kurnool Road, Ongole, Prakasam Dist., – 523 225.SSNE
Sri Sivani College of Engg, NH-5, Chilakalapalem Jn, Etcherla (M), Srikakulam – 532 402.SSCE
Sri Sivani Inst. of Tech., Chilakapalem Jn. Etcherla (M), Srikakulam Dist. – 532 402SITS
Sri Sunflower College of Engg & Tech., Lankapalli, Ghantasala, Krishna Dist.,SUNL
Sri Vaishnavi College of Engg., Singupuram (V), Srikakulam (M), Srikakulam Dist – 532185.VAIS
Sri Vani School of Engineering Chevuturu Village G.Konduru Mandal, Krishna DistVANI
Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Pedatadepalli, Tadepalligudem. W.G.Dist. – 534 101.VSVT
Sri Vasavi Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Kanuru (V), Peravali (M), W.G. Dist.-534 329VSEK
Sri Vasavi Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Nandamuru Pedana (M), Krishna Dist – 521 369SVET
Sri Vatsavi Krishnam Raju College of Engg. & Tech., Gollalakoderu, Palakoderu (M), W.G. Dist. – 534 212.VKRT
Sri Veeravenkata Satyanarayana (SVVSN) Engg. Coll., Ongole, Santhanutalapadu, Prakasam-523225.SSNO
Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engg. and Tech, RVS Nagar, Chinnaraja, Kuppam, Puttur, Chittoor Dist.,-517583SVPP
Sri Venkateswara Coll. of Engg. & Tech., Thenepalli, Puthalpat, RVS Nagar, Marukambattu, Chittoor dist.,-517127SVCT
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. & Tech., Etcherla, Srikakulam – 532 402VNKS
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg., Opp.LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, Mangalam, Tirupati-517507, Thimminaidupalem, Chittoor.SVCE
Sri Venkateswara Engg. College for Women, Opp. LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517507.SVEW
Sri Venkateswara Engg. College, NH-9, Amaravadhi Nagar, Suryapet, Nalgonda Dist.-508213.SVES
Sri Venkateswara Inst. of Science & Information Tech. (VISIT), Parakasaraopalem (V), Nallajerla (M), W.G. Dist.VIST
Sri Venkateswara Inst. of Science & Tech., Pulivendula, Tadigotla, C.K.Divine, Kadapa Dist.,SVIK
Sri Venkateswara University (SVU) College of Engg, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist. – 517 502.SVUC
Sri Venkateswra Institute of Technology, Hampapuram, Rapthadu (M), Anantapur Dist-515001.SVAP
Sri Vidyaniketan Engg. College, Sri Sainath Nagar, A.Rangampet, Near Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist.,-517102.SVNE
Sri Viveka Inst. of Tech., Vivek Nagar, Madalavarigudem, Gannavaram (M), Krishna Dist.-521 212.VIVK
Sri YPR College of Engg. and Tech., Haveli Ghanpur, Medak-502113.YBRM
Sridevi Womens Engg. College, Vattinagulpally, C.B.Post, Gandipet, Hyderabad – 500 075.SDEW
Srinidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist.- 501301.SNIS
Srinivas Reddy Institute of Tech., Munipally, Jakrampalli, Nizamabad Dist., – 503 224.SNRJ
Srinivasa Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kakinada – Amalapuram Road, NH-214, Katrenikona (M), Amalapuram,E.G.Dist.SRTS
Srinivasa Institute of Tech. & Mngt Studies (SITAMS), Thimmasamudram, Bangalore-Tirupati By-pass Rd,
Srinivasa Ramanujan Inst. of Tech., Bodiganidoddi (V), B.K.Samudram (M), Anantapur Dist.- 515 701.RITA
SRK Institute of Technology,
NH-5, Enikepadu, Vijayawada,
Krishna Dist., – 521108.
SRR Engineering College, Karepally, Yellandu, Khammam Dist.,-507122.SRRK
SS Institute of Tech., Gandimaisamma X Road, Dundigal, Qutbullapur, R.R.Dist.-500043.SSIT
SSR Engineering College, Chinnagundavelli (V), Siddipet, Medak Dist. – 502 107.SSRS
SSR Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Patelguda (V), Near BHEL, Patancheru, Medak Dist.-502319.SSRT
St.Anns College of Engg & Tech., Nayunipalli, Challareddipalem, Vetapalem (M), Chirala, Prakasam Dist.-523187.ANSN
St.Anns Engg. College, Nayunipalli (V), Challareddypalem Vetapalem, Chirala, Prakasam Dist.-523187SACE
St.Johns College of Engg & Tech Yerrakota, Yemmiganur, Kurnool Dist-518360.JONY
St.Martins Engg. College, Dulapally, Medchal, R.R. Dist., – 500 014.MRTN
St.Marys Womens Engg. College, Budampadu (V), Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur Dist – 522 _13STMW
St.Peters Engineering College, Gundlapally, Medchal, R.R. Dist., – 500 014.SPEC
St.Theresa Inst. of Engg & Tech, Garividi – 535101, Chipurupalli, Vizianagaram Dist.STIC
Stanley College of Engg. & Tech. for Women, D.No.5-9-78 to 82, B-1-80 & 5-9-81, Chapel Road, Abids, Hyderabad – 500 001.STLW
Stanley Stephen College of Engg. & Tech., Panchalinga, Kurnool Dist.,STFN
Sudheer Reddy College of Engg. & Tech. for Women, Bardipur (V), Dichpally (M), Nizamabad Dist. – 503 001.SRCW
Sujala Bharathi Institute of Tehcnology, 2-4/1, Ogulapur (V), Atmakur (M), Warangal.SBIO
Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women, Ananthasagar, Hasanparthy, Warangal -506371SRIW
Suprabhath College of Engineering & Technology, Vacharam (V) & Mandal, R.R.Dist.-501509.SUPR
Supraja Institute of Technology & Sciences, Nemaligonda (V), Ghanpur, Warangal Dist.-506114SUIT
SVS Inst. of Tech., H.No.1-96, Bheemaram (V), Hasanparthy (M), Warangal Dist.-506 015SVSE
Swami Ramanandha Thirtha Institute of Scince & Tech., SLBC Post, Ramananda Nagar, Nalgonda Dist., – 508 004.SRTI
Swami Vivekananda Inst.of Tech,
(SVIT), 8-1-377 to 379, Mahbub College Campus, Patny Center, Sec-Bad – 003.
Swamy Vivekananda Engineering College, Kalavarai (V), Bobbili (Mandal), Vizianagaram Dist.-535558SVEB
Swarna Bharathi College of Engg., Kodad X Road, Maddulapally, Khammam Rural (M), Khammam Dist.-507170.SBCE
Swarna Bharathi Institute of Sci. & Tech., Near Mamatha General Hospital, Pakabanda Street, Khammam – 507 002.SBIT
Swarnandhra College of Engg. & Tech, Sitaramapuram, Narsapur, W.G.Dist. – 534 280.SWRN
Swarnandhra Instt. of Engg. & Tech. Sitharampuram, Narsapur, W.G. Dist.,SIET
Swathi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Anajpur, Hayatnagar, R.R.Dist.SWIT
Swetha Inst. of Tech. & Science for Women, C.Ramapuram, Tirupati, Ramachandrapuram(M), Chittoor Dist – 517567.SWTW
Syamaladevi Inst. of Tech. for Women, NH-18, Nandyal, Kurnool Dist. – 518 501.SYLW
Symbiosis Institute of Technology & Science, Shamirpet, R.R.DistSYMB
Talla Padmavathi College of Engg., Tekulagudem (Somidi), Kazipet, Warangal Dist. – 506 003TPCE
Teegala Krishna Reddy Engg. College, Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad-500079.TKRP
Tenali Engineering College, Anumarlapudi, Tenali, Sangamjagarlamudi, Pedakakani(M), Guntur-522 213.TECA
Thandra Paparaya Inst. of Sci. & Tech., Komatipalli, Bobbili, Vizianagaram Dist. -535558.TPIB
The Younis Sultan College of Engg., Mudmiyala, Chevella, R.R.Dist.,YUNS
Tirumala Engg. College, Jonnalagadda (V), Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist – 522 601TMLN
Tirumala Engineering College,
Sy.No.289,290,296,306,Bogaram, Keesara(M), R.R. Dist. – 501301.
TKR College of Engg. & Tech., Medbowli, Meerpet, Hyderabad – 500 079.TKRP
Trinity College of Engg. & Tech., Peddapalli, Karimnagar Dist.- 505 172.TCEK
Trinity College of Engg. & Tech., Saleh Nagar, Rekurthi, Karimnagar – 505 002TCTK
TRR College of Engg. & Tech., Inole (V), Patancheru (M), Medak Dist – 502 319TRRT
TRR College of Engineering,
TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M) Medak Dist. – 502 319.
TRR Engineering College (formerly Jyothi Engineering College), Sy.No.39, TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist.-502319. (name changed vide GO.Rt.No.548, dt:17.06.08, HE(EC-2)Dept).TRRE
TRR Engineering College for Women, TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M) Medak Dist. – 502 319.TRRW
Tudi Narsimha Reddy Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Gudur (V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda Dist.TNRI
Turbomachinary Inst. of Tech. & Sciences, Indersham (V), Patancheu (M), Medak Dist. 502 319TIST
Universal College of Engg. & Tech., Dokiparru (V), Medikondur (M), Guntur Dist. – 522 438UNIV
University (KU) College of Engg., ME Complex, Kothagudem, Khammam Dist.,KUWLSF
University College of Engg., Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthapur – 515 503SKUASF
Usha Rama College of Engg. & Tech., Rs.Nos.1278, 1287, 1288, Tellaprolu (V), Unguturu (M), Krishna Dist.URCE
V.S.M College of Engineering, Ramachandrapuram, E.G.Dist.VSMR
Vaagdevi Engg. College, Bollikunta, Warangal – 506 005.VGWL
Vaageshwari College of Engg., LMD Police Station,Ramakrishna Colony, Karimnagar-505 481.VGSE
Vaishnavi Inst. of Tech., Thanapalli, Kuntrapakam(P), Tirupati, Chittoor Dist., -517561.VITT
Vaishnavi Institute of Technology for Women, Tanapalli (V), Kuntrapakam (P), Tirupati rural, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517501.VTTW
Vanjari Seetaiah Memorial Engg. College, Bandlaguda, Keshavagiri, Chandrayangutta, Hyderabad – 500 005.VSMB
Varadha Reddy College of Engg. Ananthasagar (V), Hasanparthy (M), Warangal dist.VRCE
Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Educational Trust’s Group of Instituitions, 57th Divisions, narva, VisakhapatnamVLNV
Vardhaman College of Engg., Kacharam, Nanajipur, Shamshabad(M), R.R.Dist. – 501 218.VMEG
Vasavi College of Engineering, 9-5-81, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad – 500 031.VASV
Vasireddy Venkatadri Inst. of Tech. Namburu, Pedakakani, Guntur Dist. – 522 508.VVIG
Vathsalya Institute of Sci. & Tech., Anantharam, Bhongir (M), Nalgonda – 508 116.VISA
Vazir Sultan College of Engg, Younis Sultan Campus, Near VV.Palem, Wyra Road, Khammam – 507 318.VSEC
VNR Vignan Jyothi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.VNRC
Vemu Inst. of Tech., P.Kothakota Post, Chittoor dist – 517 112.VEMU
Vidya Bharathi Institute of Tech., Pembarthi, Jangaon, Warangal Dist., – 506 167.VBJN
Vidya Jyothi Inst. of Tech., Aziznagar gate, Himayathnagar, CB Post, Moinabad, Hyderabad – 500 075.VDJM
Vidya Vikas Inst. of Tech., (Farah College of Engg. & Tech.,) Sur.No.103 &104, Chevella (V), R.R.Dist.-501503.VVIT
Vignan Inst. of Tech. & Sci., Vignan Hills, Deshmukhi, Pochampalli(M), Nalgonda Dist. – 508 284.VGNT
Vignana Bharati Institute of Tech., Aushapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. – 501 301VBTK
Vignans Inst. of Engg. For Women, Jaggarajupeta, Vadlapudi (Post), Visakhapatnam – 530 046VIEW
Vignans Inst. of Info. Tech., Duvvada, Gajuwaka, Vadlapudi, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam-530046.VIVP
Vignans Inst. of Management & Technology for Women, Kondapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.DistVMTW
Vignans Inst. of Tech. & Aeronautical Engg., Vignan Hills, Deshmukhi (V), Pochampally (M), Nalgonda Dist – 508 284VITA
Vignans Lara Inst.of Tech. & Sci.Vadlamudi, Chebrolu,Guntur Dist. – 522 213.VLIT
Vignans Nirula Inst. of Tech., & Science for Women, Pedapalakaluru (V), Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur Dist.- 522 005.VNIW
Vijay College of Engineering for Women, Manikbhandar, Nizamabad-503003.VCEW
Vijay Institute of Tech. & Sci.,
Markal, Sadasivnagar,
Kamareddy, Nizamabad-503145.
Vijaya Engineering College,
Wyra Road, Ammapalem, Konijerla, Near Tanikella, Khammam Dist. – 507 305.
Vijaya Inst. of Tech. for Women, Enikepadu, Vijayawada-521108, Krishna Dist.VITW
Vijaya Krishna Inst. of Tech. & Science, Palmakula (V), Shamshabad, R.R. Dist.-501 218.VKTS
Vijetha Institute of Technology & Science, Chinamamidipalli, Narsapur, W.G.Dist.VJIT
Vikas College of Engg. & Tech., Nunna (V), Vijayawada Rural, Krishna Dist. – 521 212.VCTN
Vinuthna Institute of Technology & Science, Hasanparthy (V&M), Warangal Dist. – 506371VITH
Visaka Engg. College (VSBV), Bakkannapalem (V), Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam – 530 041VSBV
Visakha Inst. of Engg. & Tech., 57th Division, Narva, Visakhapatnam – 530 027VSPT
Visakha Inst. of Tech. & Science (VITS), Sontyam (V), Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam – 531 173VSKV
Vishnu Inst. of Tech., Vishnupur, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist. – 534 202VITB
Vishnusree Inst. of Tech., Yavapur, H/o. Jatalpur (V), Bommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda Dist.VSIT
Visvesvaraya College of Engg. & Tech., Patelguda, Ibrahimpatan. R.R. Dist. – 500 009.VCET
Visvodaya Engg. College, Visvodaya Campus, Kavali (M), Nellore Dist. – 524 201.VCKV
Viswanadha Institute of Tech. & Mngt,(VITAM), Sontyam, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam – 531 173.VTMW
VITS Womens Engineering College, Survey No.682,720, Bommakal Village, Karimnagar-505001VTSW
Vivekananda Inst. of Science & Info. Tech., Sy.No.773, Chatanpally (V), Farooqnagar, Shadnagar, Mahaboobnagar Dist.-509 216.VIIT
Vivekananda Institute of Tech. & Sci., Opp.Housing Board, Near By-pass, Bommakal, Karimnagar – 505 209.VVKN
Vivekananda Institute of Technological Sci., (VITS School of Engineering & Technology, VITS SET), Malkapur, Beside PG College, Godavarikhani – 505209, Karimnagar dist.,VKGK
Vivekanandas Inst. of Engg. & Tech., Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.,-501 301.VIEB
Vizag Inst. of Tech., Dakamari (V&P), Bheemunipatnam, Visakhapatnam – 531 162VIZB
VKR & VNB, Engg. College, Eluru Road, Gudivada, Krishna Dist. – 521 301.VVGV
VNR Vignan Jyothi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.VNRC
Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, Vijayawada – 520 007, Krishna Dist.VRSE
VRS & YRN College of Engg. & Tech., Vodarevu Road, Chirala – 523 157, Prakasam Dist.,,VYCC
VS Lakshmi Engg. College for Women, NH-214, Metlapalem, G.Vemavaram (V), Tallarevu (M), Kakinada, E.G. Dist.-533 461VSLW
Warangal Institute of Technology & Science, Oorugonda (V), Athmakur (M), WarangalWITS
West Godavari Inst. of Science & Engg., Avapadu, Prakasaraopalem, Nallajarla (M), W.G. Dist – 534 112WISE
Yogananda Inst. of Tech. & Science, Mohan Reddy Nagar, Yellamandyam, Renigunta (M), Tirupati-517520, Chittoor dist.YITS
Yogi Vemana University College of Engg., Proddatur, Kadapa Dist.YGVU
Dr.L.Bullayya College Of Engineering For WomenBULL
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