Thursday, 18 August 2011

JNTU kakinada Btech R10 First year 2nd sem regular exam results 2011 at,, JNTU Kakinada Btech R10 1st year 2nd sem regular results 2011, JNTUK I yr II sem btech r10 regular results 2011, JNTU kakinada btech r10 first year second sem regular exam results 2011, kakinada JNTU engineering first year 2nd sem regular exam results 2011, JNTUK first year btech r10 regular second sem exam results 2011, JNTUK Btech 2nd sem first year r10 regular results 2011

JNTU-KAKINADA I B.TECH (R10) II Semester Regular Examinations Results June-2011.

The University grew out of a College that was ‘The College of Engineering, Vizagpatnam’ as was named at the time of its establishment in 1946 by the then Government of the composite Madras State is situated in a sprawling campus of 110 acres filled with mango trees in a fast developing Port city of Kakinada on the east coast of peninsula India and situated in a zone which through generations, contributed significantly to the political literacy and cultural heritage of the country
Click on any of the below links to check your Results :

Click here for JNTU kakinada Btech R10 2nd sem regular exam results 2011

Note : 
Last Date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation: 03-09-2011
'-1' in hmfm field indicates absent for that external exam
'-1' in imf field indicates no internals
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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

JNTU world Bpharmacy First year supplementary results 2011 : jntu Anantapur Bpharmacy first year results 2011,, JNTU ananthapur Bpharmacy first year R09 R07 R09 Supply exam results 2011, JNTU world b.pharm 1st year results 2011, JNTU bpharmacy 1st year supplementary results 2011, JNTU world anantapur 1st year regular results 2011, jntu atp regular first year results 2011, JNTU results 2011 bpharmacy first year

Click here for JNTU ATP Bpharmacy First year results 2011
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JNTU world Btech First year results 2011 : jntu Anantapur engineering first year results 2011,, JNTU Hyderabad first year R09 R07 R09 regular exam results 2011, JNTU world btech 1st year results 2011, JNTU btech 1st year regular results 2011, JNTU world hyderabad 1st year regular results 2011, jntu HYD regular first year results 2011, JNTU results 2011 btech first year
JNTU-ANANTAPUR : 1st Year B.Tech (R09,R07,R05,RR)/B.Pharmacy (R09,R07,NR,OR) Supple Exams Results-May/June-2011.

JNTU-ANANTAPUR : 1st Year B.Tech (R09,R07,R05,RR)/B.Pharmacy (R09,R07,NR,OR) Supplementary Examinations Results-May/June-2011.
Click on the below links to check your Results :


Enter hall Ticket Number and press Submit button.
If returned values are “NULL”. please resubmit the Hall Ticket Number.
3.Any discrepancies found, approach Controller of Examinations through the Principal of the college.
4.This is prototype of the marks memo and is obtained by the online request of the candidate.
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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

FET Faculty Eligibility Test 2011 : Hyderabad JNTU FET 2011 :, JNTUH FET 2011 notification, JNTU Hyderabad FET Faculty Eligibility Test 2011 notification, JNTU Hyd FET 2011, FET 2011 Notification JNTUH, FET Notification JNTUH 2011, FET 2011 Faculty Eligibility Test JNTU Hyderabad, JNTUH FET 2011, Faculty Eligibility Test (FET – JNTUH) – 2011 Notification & Information Brochure

About FET – 2011

JNT University Hyderabad is conducting Faculty Eligibility Test for Affiliated Colleges of JNT University Hyderabad for joining into services of all affiliated colleges of JNTU Hyderabad at the entry level appointment i.e. Lecturer /Asst Professor in the faculty of Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, Sciences, Humanities and Social sciences.


To identify qualified, meritorious and motivated candidates for appointing as teachers in all professional colleges, including Engineering, Pharmacy, MBA, MCA colleges, affiliated to JNT University Hyderabad

Who should take this Examination?

Candidates who wish to join any of the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad in 10 districts of Telangana region as Lecturer/assistant professor shall take this examination. The faculty members who are working as lecturers/Asst. professors but not ratified by the University at the present working institution shall also take this examination. For more information check eligibility criteria.

Branches/Disciplines and Eligibility Criteria.

Who should take this Examination?
Candidates who wish to join any of the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad in 10 districts of Telangana region as Lecturer/assistant professor shall take this examination. The faculty members who are working as lecturers/Asst. professors but not ratified by the University at the present working institution shall also take this examination.

Advantage of taking this Examination:-

The Candidates who qualify in this examination will be eligible to appear for the interviews of faculty selections at all the affiliated colleges of JNT University Hyderabad and the candidates who qualify in this examination and selected at the college selection only are considered as University approved faculty. The appointment of the candidates selected without qualifying in FET-JNTUH are not approved by the University.


Candidates i) who are already selected through University selection Board and presently working, or ii) who are presently working/seeking appointments in the cader of Associate professor or Professor. iii) who qualified through National level Test NET or iv) Obtained PhD are exempted from taking this examination.

Eligibility Criteria

S.No.Branch/DisciplineBranch CodeEligibility
1Civil Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Civil Engineering,Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
2Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Control Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
3Mechanical Engineering
B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Mectronics, Mechanical Engg.(Production) with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Electronics and Communications

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electronics and Telematics Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Computer Science and Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology or Computer Science and Systems Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Metallurgical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engineering or Metallurgy and Material Technology with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Chemical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./M.Tech.
Aeronautical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Aeronautical Engineering, Aeronautics, Avionics with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Bio-Medical Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.
Bio Technology

B.E / B.Tech. and M.E/M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Biotechnology with First Class either in B.E / B.Tech. or M.E./ M.Tech.

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Mathematics or equivalent.

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Physics or equivalent

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Chemistry or equivalent

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in English or equivalent
Management Science

First Class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Business Administration or equivalent.
Environmental Science

M.Tech or M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering/Sciences or its equivalent with First Class

Bachelors and Masters Degree in Pharmacy with First Class or equivalent either in Bachelor or Masters Degree.
Computer Applications

B.E. / B.Tech. and M.E. / M.Tech. in relevant subject with First class or equivalent either in B.E. / B.Tech. or M.E / M.Tech. OR B.E/B.Tech. and MCA with First class or equivalent either in B.E. / B.Tech. or MCA OR MCA with First Class or equivalent with 2 years relevant experience.

Mode of Examination

Examination Pattern: FET-JNTUH-2011 will be conducted in 18 subject disciplines as listed in Eligibility Criteria Page. The question paper will have 120 objective type multiple choice questions which include Part-I (40 questions in general ability, aptitude and analytical skills) and Part-II (80 questions in subject specialization). Each correct answer carries one mark and a wrong answer carry negative 1/4 mark. The test will be for 2hrs duration. qualifying marks for the Test is 40% and 30% for SC/ST candidates.
OMR Answer Sheets will be supplied along with the Question Booklet Candidates have to mark the correct answer by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question on an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet with Black/blue ball point pen.
Last Date for Submission of Application:20-08-2011
Last Date for Submission of Application with Late fee of Rs 1000/-:25-08-2011
Date of Examination:4th September 2011
Examination Time:11:00 AM to 1.00 PM
Test Centers:Centers will be ONLY IN HYDERABAD

(Hall Tickets will be available for Download from 29th August 2011)

Important instructions to Candidates:Candidates should choose appropriate subject for test. Though a candidate is eligible for more than one subject he/she shall select only one subject of their choice.
The Question Papers will be in English only.Before applying for FET-JNTUH–2011 candidates must assure themselves that they have chosen the right Subject paper,which qualifies them to become eligible to seek appointment into the specific department they are interested. The candidates are required to choose the Subject based on their eligibility as per Table-1. Applications are available online on the website:

Procedure for applying online for FET JNTU-2011.

For Online submission of Application for FET-JNTUH – 2011, follow the guidelines given below..
  1. Before applying online make sure You have following documents, that will help you while applying
    1. A demand draft of Rs 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST) drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of “The Registrar JNTU Hyderabad”, payable at Hyderabad as registration fee.
    2. Attested copies your certificates like Degree and SSC (for age proof).
    3. Attested copy of Caste certificate in case of SC/ST candidates
    4. Your scanned / digital passport photograph and scanned signature.
      photo image should be of JPEG Format. Photo image height should be between 370 to 420pixel and width should be between 300 to 350pixel and photo image file size should be less than 200kb
      Sample PhotographSample Photograph Sign
  2. Go down to this page and Click “Apply on line” and fill all the fields which are mandatory
  3. While applying online, do not use the “Back” button on the tool bar of your browser. Use the links and buttons available on the page to move from one page to another.
  4. Once you submit the filled-in ONLINE FORM, the FET – JNTUH website will generate a unique Registration number for you. Note down this number without fail and refer this for all your future correspondance. Write your Name and this Registration number on the back side of the Demand draft.
  5. Now down load your filled in ONLI NE FORM (a pdf file) take the print out and enclose following documents and speed post/registered post to “The Convener, FET-2011, Director, Academic Planning, 4th Floor, Administrative Building, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad -500085″.
    1. Demand draft worth Rs 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST)
    2. Attested copy of Degree certificate
    3. Attested copy SSC equivalent certificate for age proof
    4. Caste certificate in case of SC/ST candidates
Note: Please make sure that your browser should support javascript

Click Here To Apply Online

(Recommended to use Mozilla Firefox)

Website : Faculty Eligibility Test (FET – JNTUH) – 2011.

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Monday, 1 August 2011

JNTU world Bpharmacy I year regular/supply results 2011 : jntu hyderabad bpharmacy 1st yr results 2011,, JNTU Hyderabad bpharmacy first year R09 R07 R09 regular exam results 2011, JNTU world bpharmacy 1st year results 2011, JNTU bpharmacy I year regular results 2011, JNTU world hyderabad 1st year regular bpharmacy results 2011, jntu HYD regular first year bpharmacy results 2011, JNTU results 2011 bpharmacy first year

JNTU-HYDERABAD : B.Pharmacy I Year (R09,R07,NR & OR) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Results May-2011.

JNTU-HYDERABAD : B.Pharmacy I Year (R09,R07,NR & OR) Regular/Supple Exams Results May-2011.

Click on the below links to check your Results :
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JNTU Kakinada MBA 4th semester R09 R07 regular supply results 2011 at

JNTUK MBA 4th semester regular results 2011, JNTU Kakinada R09 R07 MBA fourth sem supply regular results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA IV semester r09 r07 exam results 2011, JNTU Kakinada MBA Fourth semester R09 R07 regular supplementary exam results 2011, JNTUK MBA fourth semester regular supply results 2011, JNTUK MBA IV sem regular supply results 2011

JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.

JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.
JNTU-KAKINADA : MBA IV Semester (R09 & R07) Regular/Supplementary Examination Results May-2011.

Last for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge Valuation 16-08-2011.
‘-1′ in Externals field indicates absent for that external exam.
‘-1′ in internals field indicates no internals.

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